Things You Need To Know When Visiting Bali


Heading to Bali on vacation? Here are some things that you will need to know when visiting Bali.

visiting bali - culture

Things You Need To Know When Visiting Bali:

You may need to have a visa – Depending on your passport, you will need to get a visa if your country is not listed in the visa exemption countries. Getting a visa is not hard to acquire though. Once you arrive at the airport, you will be able to purchase your visa there. The cost is about $35 US per head.

It can get hectic – The airport is quite serene but once you step outside you will find many different drivers all trying to get your attention. Understand that they are not trying to be rude. They just need to make a living. Don’t be rude but simply say firmly, but politely, ‘No, thank you!” Of course, the best thing to do is to ensure that you have already planned how you will get from the airport to the hotel. Most hotels and resorts will have a shuttle to ferry you to your destination or will recommend a taxi service that you can use.

Culture shock – This is common when you first get to Bali but with time it will disappear. It is important to check your expectations when heading to Bali. If you are looking for Western Style perfection. You may end up quite disappointed. It is best to keep an open mind, understand that you are in a different country and accept the imperfections. Adapt the expectations you have to fit where you are.

Great hosts – You will be very well hosted in Bali. In a country whose economy is mostly based on tourism, you can be sure that they know how to host visitors and treat them well. They are welcoming, accommodating and gracious. In the event that you are disoriented or lost, all you have to do is ask a local person for the directions and help is guaranteed.

Naming culture – Don’t be surprised when you realize that just about everybody has the same name. The naming culture of the Balinese is based on birth order so you will hear a lot of Wayan, Made, and Ketut among others. These names simply mean first born, second born and the like.

There is more to Bali than parties – Even though it is known as a party island, Bali is more than endless night clubs and parties. If you want to connect with the island, its culture and its people, you can do that by visiting a wide variety of places. The night clubs and parties were provided in order to meet tourist demand, but there is more to the island than that.
